Time: 9. 00 A.M-12.00 P.M
Venue: SFS High School Quadrangle
The 20th graduation day celebration was held at Quadrangle of SFS High School on 23-12-24.
The program began with the prayer dance by the I PU students, followed by the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries and welcome speech.
Passing the light of knowledge by the lecturers and dignitaries was the remarkable moment of all.
The cultural program by the I PU students mesmerized everyone. The principal Rev. Fr Staney Rodrigues presented the annual report for the academic year 2024-25.
The message by the president, Rev, Fr Benny Marangolil, Msfs and the chief guest, Sri Anand Raj, Retd D.DPU, enriched and encouraged the audience.
The valuable presence of Rev. Fr. Joshy Thazathukunnel, Rev. Fr. Mijo, Rev. Fr. Santhosh and Rev. Fr. Binu indeed added an extra charm to the program.
In order to make the program a meaningful one, lecturers presented a video capturing the moments spent by the outgoing students during their tenure of one year in the college.