Prize Distribution Ceremony Literary And Commerce Association
Time: 1.30P.M-3.30 P.M
Venue: SFS CBSE Amphitheatre
Literary Association Activities were culminated with the prize distribution ceremony on 13th January 2025
in the CBSE Amphitheatre at 1:30 p.m. It was organised on the eve of 'FRENCH DAY.' Respected
Principal Rev. Staney Rodrigues, Academic Coordinator Mr. Murali, the HOD of Commerce Department
Mrs.Swathi ,the faculty members of commerce and language departments, the participants and the winners
graced the occasion. After the ceremonial practices of invocation, welcome speech, the annual report of
literary association for the academic year 2024 & 2025 was presented by the HOD Mrs.Gayathri. The
audience was briefed about the events conducted for the academic year. It was followed by the prize
distribution ceremony. The winners were presented the trophies and the merit certificates by the Principal.
A very impressive Compering was done in French and English that stole the hearts of the audience.
Besides, the audience was delightfully treated with a soothing French song. Further,
Annual Report of the Commerce Association for the academic year 2024 -2025 was presented by the HOD
Mrs.Swathi.It was followed by the prize distribution ceremony for its thought provoking and enterprising
events such as Role Play ,Product Launch ,Mock Interview and Advertisement Copy.Having gained the
recognition for their potential, the winners were seen elated with confidence. The event was concluded on a
happy note by proposing vote of thanks to the dignitaries and the attendees. It was indeed a rewarding
moment for the organisation itself.